Tuesday, January 7, 2014


I've always wanted to do a video but I have no confident and I don't know anything about doing a video...
So yesterday I decided to set up my own corner and started videoing.
I started at around afternoon till midnight I'm finally done with edits and everything, so in this video I really did try my best and did everything with heart :)

I decided to mute my voice and replaced with music because I sound so weird and awkward so maybe in the future when I'm better at doing video I will not mute my voice! And also the lighting, I intended to shoot in the noon with sunlight but just so many NGs :(

So finally at night I completed my shoot but the lighting is not what I wanted...am using a table lamp hahaha!

Watch it with 720 HD :)

Hope you guys enjoyed my video!
You can also leave a comment (how can I improve my video etc...) on my ask.fm at the side bar.
Whether it's good or bad comment I will appreciate! :)

P/s : Video was taken with iPhone 5s front camera thus the quality.